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Writer's pictureTU Rathish Menon

Golden Principles of Wealth: The Simple Path to Wealth

Embracing Wealth Principles: Key Strategies for Financial Success

Unveiling the Path to Financial Success through Wealth Principles

Upon delving into the disparities between the rich and the poor, a discernible pattern of wealth principles has emerged. Remarkably, these principles have been consistently embraced by numerous millionaires, prompting us to ponder the significance of adopting them ourselves.

After all, if these wealth principles have proven successful for them and they ardently vouch for their efficacy, wouldn't it be wise to consider following suit? Much like trusting the diet and exercise regimen of someone who possesses your desired physique, these wealth principles hold the potential to transform our financial fortunes.

1st Principle - Relying on Multiple Streams of Income

It appears that this rule has garnered admiration from individuals worldwide, irrespective of their current financial standing. It is often suggested that there exist seven potential sources of income that individuals should consider harnessing. You can explore the details of these seven sources by clicking here. However, one might find it challenging to manage and distinguish between all seven simultaneously—I know I would. Therefore, I advise conducting thorough research to identify the approaches that align with your circumstances and dedicating time to master one source before venturing into another. This way, you can build comfort and confidence along your journey.

2nd Principle - Prioritize Saving Before Spending

Also known as the 'Pay Yourself First' principle, this rule is remarkably straightforward and can be implemented immediately. How often do you reach the end of each month only to find yourself with little to no money left? Perhaps you enjoyed weekends with friends, treated yourself to new clothes or the latest gadgets.

But how much did you actually set aside for investing or saving for unexpected expenses? It is crucial to allocate a portion of your monthly paycheck for savings, preferably in a location that reduces the temptation to dip into it.

A recommended practice is to set aside approximately 20% of your income for savings and investments. By doing this at the beginning of the month, you'll find it easier to budget around this allocated amount for the remainder of the month. This principle seamlessly leads us to the next two rules.

3rd Principle - Take a Proactive Approach to Debt Repayment

Debt can be a complex subject to navigate. While some forms of debt are considered favorable, most are generally viewed as unfavorable. A prime example of beneficial debt is a mortgage, often regarded as one of the most affordable loans available. Without this debt, many individuals would find it challenging to afford a home. If you are already able to purchase a house without a mortgage, then this particular discussion may not be applicable to your situation.

Once you become a homeowner, there is a high likelihood that the value of your property will increase over time, and as you pay off your mortgage, the interest expenses decrease. Essentially, this debt has the potential to generate wealth (provided that the interest earned is lower than the annual property value appreciation). In this scenario, the ultimate goal would be to fully own your home, having paid off the mortgage, while the property value continues to rise steadily.

The faster you can repay your mortgage, the less interest you will ultimately pay, and the more resilient you will be to interest rate fluctuations. To assess the overall impact of aggressively attacking your outstanding mortgage, I recommend using the Mortgage Payoff Calculator provided by Ramsey Solutions.

4th Principle - Embrace Frugality

Master the art of living within your means. Even if you have diligently set aside money at the beginning of the month, it is essential to remain mindful of your expenditures until your next payday.

I am not suggesting that you should aim to spend as little as possible and become a social recluse, as such behavior can be detrimental to your well-being. Rather, this rule encourages you to be mindful of where your money goes and to monitor your spending habits.

Before making a purchase, ask yourself pertinent questions like, 'Do I truly need this, or are there more affordable alternatives available?' It is important to note that this guideline assumes the fulfillment of your biological needs for human survival, as illustrated in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (such as food, water, sleep, shelter, and sex). Without meeting these basic physiological requirements, your body will not be able to perform optimally.

5th Principle - Commence Saving Immediately

Similar to that diet you plan to start on Monday or the do-it-yourself project you promise to tackle over the weekend, saving is an endeavor that is best initiated without delay. I mean right at this moment. For an array of top savings account options, I recommend visiting the page dedicated to this topic on NerdWallet.

The information is regularly updated, allowing you to find the account that suits your needs. Now, let's be realistic. You won't become a millionaire within the next five years by merely depositing the minimum amount and letting it compound over time—this approach simply doesn't work, particularly given the current low interest rates.

Those articles or posters depicting a metaphorical 10% interest rate compounding over several years are quite misleading.

In May 2023, the federal funds rate ranged from 5.00% to 5.25%. As predicted, it was not surprising to see some of the best high-yield savings accounts offering rates exceeding 4%, indicating an attractive opportunity for potential returns.. The essence of this rule is to cultivate a mindset of taking action and being consistent, without making excuses. The opportune moment to embark on this journey is right now.

6th Principle - Reinvest Your Profits

It is crucial to ensure that your money works for you. In the early stages of implementing these principles and adjusting your mindset, the profit margins may not be substantial. Patience will be required (a personal challenge of my own). By reinvesting your profits, you initiate what is commonly referred to as the Snowball Effect, where the interest you earn begins to generate its own interest.

This same effect can be observed when paying off multiple debts. As one debt is closed, you can allocate the funds previously used for that debt towards the repayment of other debts. However, it's important to be mindful that the snowball effect can also have negative implications if debts accumulate high interest rates. Without careful management, you may find yourself in a situation where the principal loan has been repaid, but you are left with only interest payments.

Reinvesting profits extends beyond simply depositing funds back into savings accounts. For instance, if you start earning significant income from your savings and other sources, you might consider reinvesting your earnings in properties, stocks, or shares. The key focus here is to continue utilizing your newly earned money to generate further financial growth and opportunities.

7th Principle - Clearly Define Your Goals

Having well-defined goals is essential for staying on the path to success. After all, knowing your destination is crucial for charting a course. Take the time to deeply reflect on where you truly want to be.

Once you have determined your goals, write them down, internalize them, and let them guide your daily routine and decision-making process. If your goals are ambitious, break them down into manageable stages and further divide them into a list of achievable tasks. For optimal planning, assign completion dates to each task, transforming your goals into a well-structured plan that enables progress tracking.

The essence of this rule lies in understanding the underlying motivation behind your goals. What drives you at the core? Brian Tracy, a renowned author and expert in personal development and success:

This quote highlights the importance of setting goals as a means to take charge of your life and shape your desired future. According to Tracy, having clear goals enables you to steer the course of change in a positive direction, ensuring that you are actively working towards your aspirations.

By setting specific and meaningful goals, you gain a sense of purpose and direction, which empowers you to make intentional choices and take consistent actions that align with your objectives. Ultimately, goals serve as a powerful tool for personal growth, success, and fulfillment.

8th Principle - Avoid Comparing Yourself to Others

The temptation to compare ourselves to famous figures can be overwhelming, leading to feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt. However, it's essential to recognize that even the most celebrated individuals faced their own struggles and challenges on their path to success. Let's explore a few famous examples that exemplify the importance of embracing one's unique journey.

1.Albert Einstein:

Widely regarded as one of the greatest scientific minds in history, Einstein faced numerous obstacles early in his career. As a young physicist, he struggled to find employment and had his theories initially rejected. However, he persisted in pursuing his passion for unraveling the mysteries of the universe and eventually revolutionized the field of physics with his theory of relativity.

2.J.K. Rowling:

Before becoming a household name with the Harry Potter series, Rowling faced countless rejections from publishers. She was a struggling single mother, navigating financial difficulties while persisting in her writing. Her perseverance eventually paid off, and her magical world captivated millions of readers worldwide.

3.Oprah Winfrey:

Born into poverty, Oprah faced a challenging upbringing. Despite the obstacles, she went on to become one of the most influential media moguls and philanthropists of our time. Her journey reminds us that our circumstances do not define our potential and that resilience and determination can overcome even the toughest challenges.

4.Steve Jobs: Co-founder of Apple Inc.,

Jobs experienced multiple setbacks throughout his career. He was ousted from his own company, faced public failures, and had to rebuild his reputation. However, his unwavering belief in his vision and relentless pursuit of innovation propelled him to reshape the technology industry and leave a lasting legacy.

These examples demonstrate that success is rarely linear or without obstacles. Each person's journey is marked by unique circumstances and personal challenges. By focusing on our own path and nurturing our talents and passions, we can forge our own remarkable stories of achievement and fulfillment.

Remember, the true measure of success lies in pursuing our dreams and making a meaningful impact, rather than comparing ourselves to others. Embrace your individuality, learn from the stories of renowned figures, and let their journeys inspire you to carve out your own extraordinary path in life.

9th Principle - Foster a Positive and Inspiring Network

The importance of surrounding ourselves with positive and enthusiastic individuals cannot be overstated. The company we keep has a profound impact on our mindset, motivation, and ultimately, our success. Let's delve into some unique quotes and examples that highlight the significance of curating a supportive network.

1."Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher." - Oprah Winfrey

Oprah's quote encapsulates the essence of this rule. By surrounding ourselves with uplifting individuals, we create an environment that nurtures growth and empowers us to reach greater heights. Their positivity, encouragement, and valuable insights can propel us forward on our journey.

2."Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future." - John Wooden

John Wooden's words remind us that the people we spend the most time with, shape our character and influence our trajectory in life. If we surround ourselves with ambitious, driven, and supportive individuals, their energy and mindset will rub off on us, motivating us to strive for excellence.

3.Elon Musk:

The visionary entrepreneur behind companies like Tesla and SpaceX emphasizes the significance of surrounding himself with talented individuals who share his passion and drive. He understands that collaboration with like-minded individuals enables him to push boundaries and achieve groundbreaking innovations.

4.Serena Williams:

As one of the greatest tennis players of all time, Serena Williams attributes much of her success to her support system. Her close-knit circle of coaches, trainers, and family members has consistently provided unwavering encouragement and motivation, allowing her to overcome obstacles and become a champion.

By deliberately choosing to surround ourselves with positive, supportive, and enthusiastic people, we create an environment that fosters personal and professional growth. These individuals inspire us, challenge us to think bigger, and provide the encouragement and guidance we need on our journey towards success.

In contrast, negative and pessimistic individuals can drain our energy, sow doubt, and hinder our progress. It's crucial to be mindful of the company we keep and make a conscious effort to align ourselves with those who believe in our potential and uplift us.

Remember, you have the power to curate your circle of influence. Seek out individuals who share your aspirations, embody the qualities you admire, and genuinely want to see you succeed. Together, you can create a supportive network that propels you towards your goals and helps you manifest your fullest potential.

10th Principle-Uncover Opportunities through Complaints

In the world of business, complaints and feedback are often seen as negative. However, if approached with the right mindset, they can be invaluable sources of opportunity and growth. Instead of viewing complaints as mere grievances, see them as potential catalysts for improvement.

When customers or clients express dissatisfaction or provide feedback, it signifies that there is room for enhancement. These complaints shed light on areas that require attention, whether it's product quality, customer service, or overall user experience. By actively listening to complaints and analyzing the underlying issues, you can uncover valuable insights and identify areas for innovation and progress.

Furthermore, embracing feedback demonstrates your commitment to continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. It allows you to build stronger relationships with your customers, as they feel heard and valued. By addressing their concerns and taking steps to rectify any shortcomings, you can enhance your reputation and earn their trust and loyalty.

Remember, opportunities often lie within the complaints. Embrace feedback as a means to evolve and refine your business, and you'll be better positioned for long-term success.

11th Principle - Cultivate the Habit of Daily Reading

The habit of daily reading can have a profound impact on personal growth and success. Numerous influential individuals attribute their achievements to their voracious reading habits. Let's explore some inspiring examples:

  • Elon Musk, visionary entrepreneur and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has mentioned that he learned the fundamentals of rocket science by reading extensively.

  • Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook and bestselling author, is known for her commitment to reading a variety of books to expand her knowledge and perspective.

  • Indra Nooyi, former CEO of PepsiCo, has emphasized the importance of reading as a source of inspiration and continuous learning throughout her career.

  • Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, is known for his deep love of books and his belief in the power of reading to foster innovation and personal growth.

  • Melinda Gates, philanthropist and co-founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is an avid reader who often shares book recommendations and highlights the transformative role of reading in her life.

These accomplished individuals exemplify the idea that reading is not just a leisure activity, but a strategic investment in one's personal and professional development. By immersing yourself in books, you gain access to a wealth of knowledge, diverse perspectives, and valuable insights that can shape your thinking and drive your success.

Whether it's biographies, business books, self-help, or other genres that align with your interests and goals, the key is to make reading a daily habit. By devoting even a short amount of time each day to reading, you can unlock a world of opportunities for learning, growth, and personal enrichment.

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